
  • Update:Delivery Server und NTLM / SSO ("trusted login")

    Holm Gehre 07.10.2019 DE 2019 , Administration , Dynaments , Features , Gewusst wie! , Konfiguration , NTLM , SSO , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Deutsch Update:Delivery Server und NTLM / SSO ("trusted login"

    Manche IT-Themen scheinen "zeitlos" zu sein und so ist es wenig verwunderlich, dass (m)ein Beitrag aus dem Jahr 2017 oft bzw. im Ranking der Ergebnis-/Trefferlisten von Suchanfragen ("NTLM" und "SSO") gelistet wird.


  • Timothy Davis: OpenText WSM and Wave Together

    Internet 24.09.2019 EN 2012 , Dynaments , Timothy Davis , Web Site Management Delivery Server , XML , Englisch Timothy Davis: OpenText WSM and Wave Together written by Timothy Davis, 21. August 201

    What follows is a simple recipe for creating an OpenText Wave Application filled with content from OpenText Web Site Management.


  • Timothy Davis: Adventures in Form Handling – II

    Internet 10.09.2019 EN 2011 , API , Dynaments , SQL-Server , Timothy Davis , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Timothy Davis: Adventures in Form Handling – II

    The next step was generating the query with DS Attributes. Nice thing about SQL is it doesn’t care about line breaks, so you can condense it down to one line. This is good as the XML engine in Delivery Server may not preserve these...


  • Manuel Schnitger: Tidy does(not) work with the Delivery Server

    Internet 15.01.2019 EN 2011 , Dynaments , Manuel Schnitger , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Englisch Manuel Schnitger: Tidy does(not) work with the Delivery Server written by Manuel Schnitger

    Some weeks ago I planned to visit a partner in order to provide some information regarding different topics and the partner sent me a mail with a list of topics he wanted to speak about previously...


  • oshyn: OpenText™ Content Server & Management Server Integration

    Internet 10.10.2018 EN 2011 , Content Server , Dynaments , Integrationen , Konfiguration , , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Englisch oshyn: OpenText™ Content Server & Management Server Integration

    OpenText Content Server is a robust, yet very flexible Enterprise Content Management System. It offers great functionality when searching for information that has been loaded into it. This information includes documents, folders, discussions, and other...


  • oshyn: Extending RedDot RSS feeds with Embedding Media Files

    Internet 03.10.2018 EN 2011 , Dynaments , Konfiguration , , RSS , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Englisch oshyn: Extending RedDot RSS feeds with Embedding Media Files by: Pablo B

    RSS feeds are a great way for your customers to reach your site whenever new content is available, but this shouldn’t be restricted to only text content, as you can now embed media elements such as video and audio, and is simple to add them to our ...


  • oshyn: OpenText™ Web Solutions Delivery Server / LiveServer and Google Search Appliance (GSA)

    Internet 26.09.2018 EN Dynaments , Google , , Search-Engine , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Englisch oshyn: OpenText™ Web Solutions Delivery Server / LiveServer and Google Search Appliance (GSA)

    Even though Live Server comes integrated with Verity as a search engine, it is possible to use Google Search Appliance (GSA) as a search engine on a Live Server site.


  • oshyn: LiveServer Portal Integration

    Internet 19.09.2018 EN 2011 , Dynaments , Integrationen , , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Englisch oshyn: LiveServer Portal Integration by: Christian Herrera Ever wanted to

    Ever wanted to use some of your own code inside LiveServer? No matter if it is .net or java, it can be done! Actually any web page can be “embedded” inside a page served by LiveServer. Here's the thing, Portal Connector and Dynament - always available...


  • oshyn: Using MVEL Expression Language with OpenText™ Technology

    Internet 12.09.2018 EN 2011 , Database , Dynaments , , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Englisch oshyn: Using MVEL Expression Language with OpenText™ Technology by: Daniel Ovalle

    While recently working on an OpenText Web Solutions (formally RedDot) project for a client, I came across the common issue of retrieving user attributes that are stored on several different data repositories. Many organizations face this issue due to ...


  • oshyn: Content in OpenText™ Delivery Server & Moderation in Management Server

    Internet 05.09.2018 EN 2011 , Dynaments , , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Englisch oshyn: Content in OpenText™ Delivery Server & Moderation in Management Server Building User Gener

    Building User Generated Content in OT Web Solutions Delivery Server is fairly easy using dynaments. However, if you'd like that content to be moderated by Editors, it's much more tricky. This requires the content to be submitted on...


  • Erstellen von Iolets und Weblets

    Holm Gehre 20.08.2018 DE 2018 , Development , Dynaments , Iolets , Java , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Weblets , Deutsch Erstellen von Iolets und Weblets Wer mit dem OTWSM Delivery Serve

    Wer mit dem OTWSM Delivery Server arbeitet, wird früher oder später (in den meisten Fällen aber doch früher) auf Schlagworte wie: Iolet, Weblet, OpenAPI treffen und versuchen den Einstieg in diese Materie zu finden - meist mit kleinem oder mäßigem Erfolg.


  • oshyn: Editor Managed Personalized Flash in OpenText™

    Internet 15.08.2018 EN 2010 , Dynaments , , Web Site Management Delivery Server , XML , Englisch oshyn: Editor Managed Personalized Flash in OpenText™ Some of the exciting features we bui

    ome of the exciting features we built using Red Dot CMS and Live Server and Flash. The functionality is related to building a content managed personalized flash component in Red Dot, which can be placed on any page of the site.


  • oshyn: Redundant Database structures to improve RedDot / OpenText™ LiveServer Performance

    Internet 08.08.2018 EN 2009 , Database , Dynaments , , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Englisch oshyn: Redundant Database structures to improve RedDot / OpenText™ LiveServer Performance

    Queries: dynamic content is all about queries and no matter how cool this sounds most of the time we face the need to improve the response time, improve performance to avoid user discomfort...


  • oshyn: OpenText™ Management Server and Delivery Server 10: Access Content Elements of Different Pages

    Internet 25.07.2018 EN 2012 , Dynaments , , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch oshyn: OpenText™ Management Server and Delivery Server 10: Access Content Elements of Diff

    OpenText Management Server and Delivery Server are excellent OpenText tools to create Enterprise Web Applications. Utilizing these tools, you can access Content Elements of different pages to display on other pages of your site. There are a few ways to...


  • oshyn: WS + LS: Web Services in LiveServer

    Internet 18.07.2018 EN 2013 , Dynaments , , Web Site Management Delivery Server , WebService , Englisch oshyn: WS + LS: Web Services in LiveServer Consuming a Web Service with LiveServer,

    Consuming a Web Service with LiveServer, so simple anyone can do it. It’s just a matter of creating a Web Service Connector with the URL of the WSDL and write a dynament… but for advanced tasks, keep reading this post.


  • Kleine Helferlein - Teil 1: Wiederkehrender Erscheinungszeitraum

    Stefan Buchali (UDG) 02.02.2018 DE 2018 , Constraint , Dynaments , Gewusst wie! , Java , Kleine Helferlein , Tipps und Tricks , Deutsch , Entwickler Kleine Helferlein - Teil 1: Wiederkehrender Erscheinungszeitraum

    Jeder kennt die Funktion „Verlinkung/Erscheinungszeitraum“. Diese weist einer Seite ein Start- und/oder ein Enddatum zu. Aber einmalig. Doch wie geht wiederkehrend?


  • oshyn: OpenText LiveServer Dynaments: Quick Guide

    Internet 25.12.2017 EN 2010 , Constraint , Dynaments , Gewusst wie! , , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Englisch oshyn: OpenText LiveServer Dynaments: Quick Guide written by oshyn

    written by oshyn Team: After a thorough and extensive review of LiveServer code on the current project I'm working on, I have decided to write this post. LiveServer back-end development is very complex, not in terms of difficulty, but in the sense...


  • LiveServer Page View Counter Setup

    Internet 04.10.2017 EN 2009 , byte.weaver , Dynaments , Optimierung , Performance , Schon gewusst? , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Englisch LiveServer Page View Counter Setup written by J

    written by Javahand: This document shows you how easy and convenient it is to take advantage of LiveServer's out-of-the-box functionality to set up universal page hit counting; since the hit count persists in LiveServer, it is indexed and can be used by..


  • OpenText™ "Neues aus dem Knowledge Center..."

    Thomas Pollinger 25.08.2017 DE/EN 2009 , Application Note , BLOB , Dynaments , Konfiguration , My Support , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Deutsch , Englisch OpenText™ "Neues aus dem Knowledge Center..."

    This Application Note provides steps to create a Test Project and content constraints for BLOB content types using the REF variant. The Test Project example assumes the following scenario.


  • One of the many ways to achieve LDAP SSO using Delivery Server 10.1

    Internet 14.08.2017 EN 2011 , Dynaments , Gewusst wie! , Internet Information Server (IIS) , LDAP , Miss Integration , SSO , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Englisch One of the many ways to achieve LDAP SSO usin

    written by Miss Integration: Have you ever tried to Single Sign-On LDAP users into Delivery Server projects? Last week I was looking for a quick and easy method, with special assistance from Tim Davis (and thank you!), here I am documenting the steps ...


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