
  • Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP 3 Hotfix 12 or higher

    Thomas Pollinger 25.12.2019 EN 2019 , Changes , Features , Hotfix , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP 3 Hotfix 12 or

    OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 16 SP3 Hotfix 12 or higher includes the following changes: There is a fundamental change in the main.config for the ImageCache This forces a central reset of the configuration files.


  • Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP 3 Hotfix 11

    Thomas Pollinger 23.12.2019 EN 2019 , Changes , Features , Hotfix , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP 3 Hotfix 11

    OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 16 SP3 Hotfix 11 includes the following changes: Two new Meta elements have been added of type Attribute and are available for files stored in Asset Folder, Asset Manager or File folder.


  • Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP 3 Hotfix 7

    Thomas Pollinger 07.06.2019 EN 2018 , Changes , Features , Hotfix , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Changes in Ma

    OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 16 SP3 Hotfix 7 includes the following changes: New grid view, Modernized the list of image file extensions, SFTP algorithms configurable, RQL statement to retrieve the URLs ...


  • Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP 3 Hotfix 2

    Thomas Pollinger 31.05.2019 EN 2018 , Changes , Features , Hotfix , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Changes in Ma

    OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 16 SP3 Hotfix 2 includes the following changes: Workflow reaction


  • Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP3

    Thomas Pollinger 24.05.2019 EN 2018 , Changes , Features , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Changes in Management S

    OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 16 SP3 includes the following changes: Support of the FILESTREAM feature, Asset folder, New publishing job, Conditional workflow reaction, ImageMagick, Web Compliance Integration


  • Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP2

    Thomas Pollinger 17.05.2019 EN 2017 , Changes , Features , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Changes in Management S

    OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 16 SP2 includes the following changes: Asset Folder, Staging, Media Management Integration, Additional Enhancements, Universal C Runtime (CRT)


  • Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP 1 Hotfix 7

    Thomas Pollinger 10.05.2019 EN 2017 , Changes , Features , Hotfix , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Changes in Ma

    OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 16 SP1 Hotfix 7 includes the following changes: New global authorization -Replace the content classes of all pages based on this content class-, New Properties for Escape Provider


  • Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP 1 Hotfix 3

    Thomas Pollinger 03.05.2019 EN 2017 , Changes , Features , Hotfix , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Changes in Ma

    OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 16 SP1 Hotfix 3 includes the following changes: Defining URL formats, Staging job reports, PDF metadata reader, Authorization package options, Checking the availability of database servers, Copy and Connect ...


  • Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP1 Hotfix 1

    Thomas Pollinger 26.04.2019 EN 2017 , Changes , Features , Hotfix , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Changes in Ma

    OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 16 SP1 Hotfix 1 includes the following changes: Template Editor: deactivate autocomplete feature, Link to different project variant is always effective in SmartEdit And SmartTree, Structure elements support Hide


  • Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP1

    Thomas Pollinger 19.04.2019 EN 2016 , Changes , Features , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Changes in Management S

    OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 16 SP1 includes the following changes: Asset Folder, UI, Staging, DirectEdit, Plug-Ins, User-defined jobs, Widgets, Additional Enhancements ...


  • Release Notes: Discontinued and deprecated features in Management Server 16.0 SP3

    Thomas Pollinger 25.02.2019 EN 2018 , Changes , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Discontinued and deprecated feature

    OpenText Web Site Management Server is a server application that provides an editorial workspace for editors, publishing functions for web pages, and management functions for large websites in the intranets and internet. The following features have...


  • Release Notes: Discontinued and deprecated features in Management Server 16.0 SP2

    Thomas Pollinger 18.02.2019 EN 2017 , Changes , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Discontinued and deprecated feature

    OpenText Web Site Management Server is a server application that provides an editorial workspace for editors, publishing functions for web pages, and management functions for large websites in the intranets and internet. The following features have...


  • Release Notes: Discontinued and deprecated features in Management Server 16.0 SP1

    Thomas Pollinger 11.02.2019 EN 2016 , Changes , Release 16 , Release notes , Service Pack , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Release Notes: Discontinued and deprecated feature

    OpenText Web Site Management Server is a server application that provides an editorial workspace for editors, publishing functions for web pages, and management functions for large websites in the intranets and internet. The following features have...


  • Warum lässt sich ein Update einmal schnell installieren und das andere mal nicht mehr?

    Thomas Pollinger 30.11.2018 DE 2018 , Administration , Hotfix , Installation , Konfiguration , Releases , Service Pack , Tipps und Tricks , Updates , Web Site Management Server , Deutsch Warum lässt sich ein Update

    Es gibt immer wieder in der Slack-Community die Frage: "Warum dauert ein Update des Management Servers manchmal länger als ein paar Minuten?". Dieser Frage möchte ich heute mit einer Erläuterung des Update/Installations-Prozesses nachgehen ;)


  • Schon gewusst? "Changes to RQL Queries in Release 16 Service Pack 3"

    Thomas Pollinger 17.08.2018 EN 2018 , API , Release 16 , RQL , Schon gewusst? , Service Pack , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Schon gewusst? "Changes to RQL Queries in Release 16 Service Pack 3"

    With every release of Management Server, some RQL queries change, new queries are added, and some queries are no longer used....


  • Schon gewusst? "Changes to RQL Queries in Release 16 Service Pack 2"

    Thomas Pollinger 03.08.2018 EN 2018 , API , Release 16 , RQL , Schon gewusst? , Service Pack , Web Site Management Server , Englisch Schon gewusst? "Changes to RQL Queries in Release 16 Service Pack 2"

    With every release of Management Server, some RQL queries change, new queries are added, and some queries are no longer used....


  • OpenText™ Web Site Management (RedDot CMS) Server und Delivery (Live) Server Updates

    Thomas Pollinger 02.07.2018 DE/EN 2018 , Features , My Support , Release 16 , Service Pack , Updates , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Deutsch , Englisch OpenText™ Web Site Manageme

    Es gibt ein neues Update in der OpenText™ Knowledge Base. Hier die Release Notes zu der neuen Version: Management Server 16.0 Service Pack 3 (Build und Delivery Server 16.0 Service Pack 3 (Build


  • Release 16.0.3 (Service Pack 3) ist da!

    Thomas Pollinger 02.07.2018 DE/EN 2018 , Features , News , Release 16 , Service Pack , Updates , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Deutsch , Englisch Release 16.0.3 (Service Pack 3) i

    Seit letzter Woche Montag ist, still und heimlich, das neue Service Pack 3 für Web Site Management Release 16.0 erschienen. Es gibt einen Berg an Korrekturen, sowohl im Management- als auch im Delivery-Server.


  • OpenText™ Release & Update Overview

    Thomas Pollinger 21.07.2017 EN 2017 , My Support , Release 16 , Releases , Service Pack , Updates , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Englisch OpenText™ Release & Update Overview

    There is a lot of information in OpenText™ | MySupport. Therefore, I have created an overview of all releases since 6.5. And the last available updates, for each release.


  • OpenText™ "Neues aus dem Knowledge Center..."

    Thomas Pollinger 07.07.2017 DE/EN 2017 , API , Features , My Support , OpenText LIVE , OpenText Webinar , Release 16 , Service Pack , Staging , Web Site Management Delivery Server , Web Site Management Server , Deutsch , Englisch

    Es gibt wieder „Neues“ in der OpenText™ Knowledge Base :)... diesmal eine komplette Übersicht aller Webinare zu Release 16.


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