• Thomas Pollinger
  • 03.05.2019
  • EN

Release Notes: Changes in Management Server 16.0 SP 1 Hotfix 3

OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 16 SP1 HF3 includes the following changes.

Defining URL formats

The functionality and the usability defining URL formats have been improved.

For Delivery Server publication folders, the settings dialog has been modified for better usability and comprehensibility while the functionality remains the same.

For standard publication folders, the usability of the settings dialog has been improved and the functionality has been extended. Similar to the feature that has already been available for Delivery Server publication folders, standard publication folders now also support to define a URL.

These settings define those URLs, that get inserted by Management Server into the source code of a published page for links to assets or pages, which are published into the respective publication folder. The URL format may contain all characters that are allowed for URLs. The placeholders are available and can be inserted into the URL format string. The following placeholders will be replaced during publication:

  • <%GetFileName%> : will be replaced by the file name
  • <%GetDirectoryName%> : will be replaced by the (virtual) path of this folder and the superior publication folders
  • <%GetFullPath%> : this placeholder is a concatenation of <%GetDirectoryName%> and <%GetFileName%>, separated by a slash.

Any other characters beside the placeholder will be kept unchanged. If a URL prefix is defined for the publishing target, the URL prefix is inserted as a prefix to the URL.

Staging job reports

Staging jobs write reports as plain text file to the staging package directory.

The reports contain:

  • general information on the staging job and its parameters
  • some statistical information on reads, writes, references and matches
  • information on the the handling of the main objects handled by the staging job (objects of types Binary, Folder, ContentClass, and ContentClassElement).

Staging reports are not intended to be read from start to end, but to check out information on specific objects handled by a staging job, that are of specific interest. The GUID of the respective object can be retrieved from SmartTree or the database, and with this information the object can be searched for in the reports.

If errors or warnings occurred during a staging job for a staging package, the package will be marked with an error or warning icon when displayed in SmartTree.

To get more or fewer information in the staging reports, it is possible to include or exclude other types or GUIDs of objects whose handling shall be reported in the staging job report. This can be done by editing the job definition parameter name="ReportableObjects" in the xml configuration file .../CMS/Configuration/Staging.config. Comments on the required syntax are included in the Staging.config file itself.

Changes with PDF metadata reader

The way of installing a PDF metadata reader has been modified. The PDF metadata reader which is shipped with Management Server supports only the extraction of subject, author, and number of pages from the PDF document. To get full PDF metadata functionality, you can install the XPDF PDF metadata reader.

To install the XPDF PDF metadata reader, download the XPDF Tools from http://www.xpdfreader.com/download.html , and copy the pdfinfo.exe file into the folder %RDCMS%\..\Services\Server (e. g. C:\OpenText\WS\MS\Services\Server). It is not required to restart Management Server.

Authorization package options for publication settings changed

The authorization package options for publication settings have been changed.

The right "Edit publication settings" has been added to global authorization package in the section Global Authorizations. If this right is denied, it is not allowed to edit publication targets, the publication structure, publication packages, and to define publication packages in the project structure.

In the section “Links”, the already existing right "Edit publication settings" has been renamed to "Define Publication Package". The functionality remains the same – this right allows or denies to connect a publication with a link element.

Checking the availability of database servers

Checking the availability of database servers has been improved.

If it is detected during normal Management Server operation, that a database or a database server is not available, the availability of the server gets checked repeatedly with increasing waiting intervals over a time span of approximately maximal 20 minutes. If the database or database server continues to be unavailable, the check terminates.

Copy and Connect Publication Folder from Clipboard

The Copy and Connect Publication Folder from Clipboard feature has been improved so that it also copies all subfolders of a publication folder.

Plug-in Delete Duplicate Folder Assignments

The Delete Duplicate Folder Assignments tool is available with a standard installation of Management Server.

Which problems can be resolved with the tool?

Duplicate assignments of publication folders to Management Server folders could have been created in older versions before version 16 by parallel running actions (for example by simultaneously expanding nodes in SmartTree or by publishing multiple variants). The duplicates cannot be seen in SmartTree but may affect publication jobs.

How to install the plug-in?

The plug-in can be installed in Plug-In administration in Server Manager. The node Server Manager/Administer Projects/Projects node is preconfigured as default target and should not be changed.

Automatic correction

Select the project which should be repaired.
In a first step, the plug-in resolves all duplicate assignments that can be resolved automatically:

  • Duplicates that have identical assignments are reduced to one assignment.
  • For duplicates that have empty assignments and assignments to existing publication folders, the empty assignments are deleted automatically. The results of this action will be displayed in the results dialog. It is recommended to verify manually if the assignments are correct.
  • Duplicate that have two different assignments to existing publication folder are displayed and can be repaired after manual confirmation.

As result of the execution, the plug-in lists:

  • assignments that have been repaired automatically,
  • assignments that have been repaired manually, and
  • assignments that have not been repaired.

Preliminary steps and precautions

Before executing the plug-in for a project, it is recommended to create a database backup of the project. During the execution, no user or tool should work on the project and it should be locked for everyone.

Über den Autor:
Thomas Pollinger

... ist Senior Site Reliability Engineer bei der Vodafone GmbH in Düsseldorf. Seit dem Jahr 2007 betreut er zusammen mit seinen Kollegen die OpenText- (vormals RedDot-) Plattform Web Site Management für die deutsche Konzernzentrale.

Er entwickelt Erweiterungen in Form von Plug-Ins und PowerShell Skripten. Seit den Anfängen in 2001 (RedDot CMS 4.0) kennt er sich speziell mit der Arbeitweise und den Funktionen des Management Server aus.





