• Thomas Pollinger
  • 12.11.2018
  • EN

Release Notes: Live Server cleaner - Live server cleanup improvements

OpenText Web Site Management Server is a server application that provides an editorial workspace for editors, publishing functions for web pages, and management functions for large websites in the intranets and internet.

OpenText Web Site Management Server Version 11.2 SP1 includes the following new features and changes:

Live server cleanup improvements

The implementation of live server cleanup has been improved, so that, during workflow publications, deleted pages are removed from the live server even if references remain on dependent pages. To remove published pages from the live server, a publishing reaction at the workflow action 'Delete Page' must be configured.

When a page has been deleted, the workflow publication will delete the page from the live system. To avoid broken links, it is recommended that you select the ‘Related Pages’ check box for the reaction as well. This deletes the respective page and updates the reference data.

With the Related Pages check box selected, the update removes all reference data and removes the page from the server. If the option "Publish unlinked pages" is not selected, following pages that are connected only to the deleted page will be deleted, too.

"cleaner for [job name] ([LV]/PV])”, where "job name" is from the original publishing job and LV/PV are the language and project variant(s).

Über den Autor:
Thomas Pollinger

... ist Senior Site Reliability Engineer bei der Vodafone GmbH in Düsseldorf. Seit dem Jahr 2007 betreut er zusammen mit seinen Kollegen die OpenText- (vormals RedDot-) Plattform Web Site Management für die deutsche Konzernzentrale.

Er entwickelt Erweiterungen in Form von Plug-Ins und PowerShell Skripten. Seit den Anfängen in 2001 (RedDot CMS 4.0) kennt er sich speziell mit der Arbeitweise und den Funktionen des Management Server aus.





